Piano I camp is for the middle school piano student, 5th-8th grade, with at least one year of keyboard training. The camp is designed to accommodate students at all levels from beginner to advanced.
Throughout the week each student will receive a minimum of three private lessons from one of our experienced piano faculty members. There will be a variety of daily classes including music history, music theory, masterclasses and guest artist performances. Each student will be paired with another piano camper of similar skill level to collaborate on a duet. The duet music will be sent out prior to camp so students will have the opportunity to work on their music before arriving at camp. The week with conclude with a final concert where students will perform their solo pieces (and possibly duets, if time permits).
Piano Camp II is for the high school piano student, 8th-12th grade, with at least one year of keyboard training. The camp is designed to accommodate students at all levels from beginner to advanced. Throughout the week each student will receive a minimum of three private lessons from one of our experienced piano faculty members. There will be a variety of daily classes including music history, music theory, masterclasses and guest artist performances. A culminating recital at the end of the week will showcase student solos.
Students should consult with their private teachers for appropriate pieces to fit these categories.
To apply for a scholarship please visit our Scholarship Page.
Afternoon activities are planned each evening for the campers. Activities include, but are not limited to, tennis, soccer, basketball, swimming, kickball, softball, movies, indoor/outdoor games, board games, video game tournaments, etc. We offer several afternoon activities each evening allowing students to choose their favorites.
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