A number of scholarships are available to attend Stephen Collins Foster Music Camps. Scholarships are available to all camps.
All scholarship applicants must be registered for the camp of their choice for consideration.
Scholarship funds are given based on musical ability provided through audition material.
If you are in need of financial assistance please be sure to look at the Financial Assistance information page.
The deadline for scholarship applications and submission of tape is April 15th. Due to an ever growing request for scholarship and financial assistance this deadline is firm. If you wish to apply for a scholarship or financial assistance we MUST have your request to us on or before April 15th.
Decisions on scholarships will be made no later than May 1st. Recipients will be notified via the email address they provided on the scholarship application. . Once notified scholarship recipients must "accept" their scholarship and confirm that they will be attending camp.
Click the link below to submit your basic information and to begin the scholarship application process.
After sbumitting your application at the link above now please send a recordings directly to camp director Ben Walker at ben.walker@eku.edu Due to file size limitations please try to keep any attachments to 1-2minutes in length. There is a not a specific requirement of what to record. Many students use recently studied works in their music classes or with private teachers, or a recent honor group audition piece. Anything will suffice just be sure to try and show your best talents for the scholarship committee.
Attachments can be video and/or audio files. Links to websites where you have uploaded a performance/audition such as youtube are also acceptable and often work best.
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