Guitar students from all backgrounds are welcome! Participants will receive a week of invigorating guitar instruction. This is a serious endeavor geared toward guitarists interested in becoming better musicians. The Foster Guitar Camp offers a synthesized learning approach to classical, jazz, and contemporary guitar styles. The morning session features technical workshops, theory seminars, and ensemble coaching. The afternoon session continues with ensemble coaching and then focuses on masterclasses, improvisation, music technology, and special topics. One afternoon session will immerse participants in various aspects of music technology (recording arts, sequencing, hard-disk digital recording, and notation software) and includes a visit to the EKU Recording Arts Studio. Foster Camp concludes with a concert that features a wide variety of music, including selections for soloists and the Foster Camp Guitar Ensemble.
Participants need to be thirteen years old or above to attend and should have basic familiarity with the guitar. Links will be provided to the music that we will perform (in notation, and tablature, as needed) and the literature will be assigned according to skill level, once the student is registered and the Foster Guitar Camp Information Form is completed. Supplementary books and materials, depending upon the student and if required, will cost approximately $20--$30. Participants need to bring an acoustic guitar (an electric may also be brought), metronome, extra strings, fingernail file/buffing board, fingernail clippers, picks, pencils, paper, black three-ring binder, and a footstool to the camp ( sells foot stools for less than $11 with free shipping). Those choosing to also bring an electric guitar will need a quality 30-foot cable and a strap (do not bring a guitar cable shorter than 30-feet or you will not be able to use your electric guitar during the final concert). An amplifier is not required, but students may bring a small one. Students may also bring effects, if desired, but you are responsible for your own cabling and power connections (extension cords/power strips). Enrollment is limited and applicants are accepted on a first-come, first served basis.
Daily Schedule:
Morning (9–12 am)
8:45am–9:45am: The day begins with technical study (scales, arpeggios, rhythmic concepts, and warm-ups), fretboard visualization, and music theory.
10am–12 pm: Two hours of ensemble coaching. Students will be assigned to an ensemble according to their skill level and reading ability (notation and tablature).
12pm–1pm: Lunch: See you at the cafeteria!
Afternoon (1pm-3:30pm)
1pm–2:30 pm: Sectional and Group Ensemble Coaching continues with the possibility of moving forward to masterclass topics (depending upon ensemble progress).
2:30-3:30 pm: This segment will vary daily, depending upon the preferences students listed in their information form (please complete the Foster Guitar Camp Information Form). Master classes will take the form of solo or group performances (classical, jazz, or contemporary styles, and, improvisation and soloing strategies). Possible technology sessions, depending upon student interest, include Music Notation software (Finale, Sibleius, and Musecore), MIDI Sequencing, Hard-Disk Digital Recording (Digital Performer and Garageband), and other guitar specific technologies. Students will also visit the EKU Recording Arts Studio and we will make a recording of our concert literature.
Evening (3:30pm–10pm)
3:30pm–5pm: The segment will be spent in private practice, private/group lessons, or working on your technology projects.
4pm–6pm: Dinner and relaxation.
6pm–10pm: Participants will enjoy various recreational large group activities with participants from other Foster camps.
10pm: Lights out!
What are you waiting for...Join in on the fun and be a part of the tradition!
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